We All Know to Prepare before the Storm. Fact Is Most Do Not. Where will you go?
According to Time Magazine in 2011, their take on Storm Preparedness or the lack there of for Tornadoes and other Illinois Storms was this; “Midwesterners can surely be forgiven their twister fatigue. But it nonetheless pays to have an emergency plan rehearsed and always know where the nearest shelter is. Tornadoes play rough, and as the past few months have shown, they also play for keeps.”
In addition to Time Magazine’s comments on Tornado Preparedness in the Midwest, decided actions need planned for Floods, Severe Winds and the ever-present Torrential Rains or Blizzards.
Rehearse ‘Your’ Plan.
That is actually the end result of preparing a plan that your family knows and agrees to follow. Once you have rehearsed the plan, review and update it each year. For the little ones, be sure to make it seem just like they are following a storm drill in school. Some educators even suggest giving rewards when the little ones follow the parent’s instructions. Check out these tips from Illinois Ready Gov.
But first, let’s make sure you understand the various types and causes for storms by definition. This list of tips on storms is provided by the Illinois State Weather System. Tornadoes, Storms, Flooding, Severe Winds, Torrential Rains and Blizzards all have their variations for preparedness and exacting plans for execution. Study up to be sure your readiness plan is worth executing.
The list from the Illinois State Weather System might seem boring and actually unnecessary until that time comes when you have to implement a plan, … only to discover you do not have one. So, we are back to the Time article from 2011, folks in Illinois become somewhat numb and really immunize themselves from developing a Sound Storm Preparedness Plan. A very risky action plan at best is to have none.
Rather than go over all the lists of items, topics, directions and steps needed to prepare for any type of storm, let’s focus on one of the final steps first.
Where Will You Go with your family, friends, pets or even relatives if you like them, When the Storm Strikes?
Now before you are quick to answer, where you might go for a Flood or Torrential Rain is entirely different from a Tornado or Blizzard. Yep blizzards are storms, and should be totally prepared for should your power go out. It might be days before you get plowed out and even get your power back in Fulton County.
Most all agree that depending on your capability to escape forthcoming flood waters, it is best to do so. If flood waters should catch you off guard, which many floods have when structures are located next to streams or moving bodies of water, take to the highest point possible for rescue. These tips from the IL Gov on Emergency Preparedness on Floods and other Common Preparedness Needs will assist in you not being caught off guard. Higher ground note to remember. Many homeowners rush to the attic when caught off-gurard from rising flood waters. Only to discover as the water continues to rise, they are now trapped in their attic. Work out your plan for each possible storm scenario so that you too are not caught in a trapped situation which could lead to your peril.
Earthquake Month in Central Illinois
Did you know that February in Illinois is Earthquake Preparedness Month? How is your Earthquake Plan? Earthquake Insurance? Better yet, where do you go for shelter In your home or business should an Earthquake strike? After the quake, what assistance might you need and where would you find such? Although technically not a storm, Earthquakes and their aftermath need planning just like a storm.
Enough on the Earthquake Preparedness for Mason and the surrounding Counties.
Central Illinois is No Stranger to Tornadoes
When most people are preparing for storms in Knox County, their thoughts go towards Tornadoes. Most homeowners and business owners have some idea or plan regarding where to direct their family or staff in the event of a severe storm or tornado watch or warning. Most males still have difficulty rationalizing the difference between a tornado warning or a watch. Male viewpoint is that you can still grill outside up until the siren blows or the lawnchairs fly. Once that happens, it is time to take the meat off of the grill and run to the basement. At least there will be hot brats from the grill for the storm. Some may perish but the brats will survive.
All kidding aside, Watches and Warnings need to be taken seriously. Especially if you have guests, elderly relatives or family members or staff with disablities. Every precaution needs taken to ensure the safety of all. Yet most have not really prepared their structure for such an event. Here is a source of information from FEMA on preparing structures for severe weather, inclusive of prints for building a safe room. Additional information from Texas Tech University can assist you in retro-fitting your present structure or even purchasing Pre-Fab Storm Shelters that are developed for your backyard, garage floor or even storage rooms or closets. Many will find that there are many affordable alternatives to securing the structural integrity of their dwelling to further ensure the safety of the occupants during a variety of storms.
Yes, there might be some research involved to properly develop the correct Storm Preparedness Plan for your home or business. But, the end product will produce an invaluable asset for your family or staff to endure and re-establish after a storm. Check out the Federal Government tips offered here. Plus, additional measures taken to secure your structure should add to the value of the structure in the long-run.
Storms are never expected and as research shows, seldom prepared for. Just like a bandage, no one needs one until the accident has occurred. Seek assistance and get your plan in place before hand. HelpPro1 is pleased to offer a host of services for Storm Recovery, Storm Encapsulation, and Storm Restoration inclusive of Water Damage Restoration. Call us today for any assistance you might need. Be sure to review our Supplemental Services to understand all of HelpPro1 capabilities at your service.
Finally, review your Insurance Plan. What exactly does it cover? Do you have photos, videos or appraisals of your possesions in the event a storm does strike? Is your Insurance Agents contact infomration included in your plan? Do you have emergency contact information included in your plan? As you can see, preparedness can literally pay for itself if a storm should ever strike. HelpPro1 sincerely hopes you will never need us for storm scenarios. Stay safe! Stay Prepared!